Monday, July 28, 2008

Illustration Friday: Canned

"Chasing Fireflies"
8.5 x 11"
watercolor, pen and ink

My first submission for Illustration Friday (IF), a weekly online art exhibit. This week's topic was "canned." As I am currently on vacation and enjoying lazy summer days with my dog, this was my take on the subject. (Click on image to enlarge)


Ellen said...

I remember doing this! Her little dog is sooo cute!

Tom Barrett said...

I remember doing this as well, at my great-grandfather's house. What a neat take on this theme! Great imagination.

INDIGENE said...

Welcome and this was a lovely illustration!

Sandy said...

We don't have fire fly's here in Oz. I'm sure tho I would of been doing this as a child. Her doggie is almost the spitting image of my old friend. Love it :)

sketched out said...

Although there are no fireflies in So. Cal. I do remember during our short stint in Pennsylvania, as a kid being fascinated with them. They are magical and so is your illo. Great idea!

Anonymous said...

this is such a beautiful illustration - and a lovely idea. I love the colors and details - they're really magical:-) wonderful illustration - and a big warm welcome to illustration friday!